Sometimes referred to as the UK's Detroit, Birmingham is a place where cars once played a dominant role in the urban economy, and where they continue to hold a dominant place in the minds of many civic leaders and over a great deal of the city's public space. As a historian at the University of Birmingham interested in the politics of mobility and accessibility, and having seen his inspiring reworking of conventional advertising online, in 2022 I invited Tom Flood to Birmingham to help us think anew about how our city might be organized in ways that could facilitate diverse and democratic ways of getting around. Equally comfortable and effective on campus and in community settings, in speaking with activists, academics, or local authorities,
Tom guided us through a series of workshops which prompted a rethink of standard-narrative frames for how, and in whose interests, the urban landscape is organized. Speaking with rather than to us, Tom flipped scripts in ways that not only opened our eyes to new ways of seeing things as they are, but also encouraged us to continue to work together toward making what might be. For myself, and I believe for many who attended his workshops, Tom's visit marked a before-and-after point in Birmingham's journey toward becoming a city where one day, owning a car might no longer be a prerequisite for safe and dignified travel to all the places we want and need to go.
Dr. John Munro
Lecturer in United States History Department of History
University of Birmingham

I’d been following Tom’s work for a few years when we asked if he would come put on a workshop for transportation planning students at UNC. COVID put a wrench in our plans, but when we finally worked it out, it was absolutely worth the wait. We were so impressed with Tom’s ability to connect with our audience of students, community members, and elected leaders. He showed us new ways to see and understand the road safety challenges we faced, and gave us the tools to articulate the absurdity of those challenges to skeptical audiences.
Tom continues to find new and impactful ways to challenge the status quo about traffic violence and road safety, and is an inspiration to road safety researchers and advocates everywhere.
Dr. Tab Combs
Assistant Professor
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

I teach an environmental history class that focuses on the history of urban transportation. I use Tom Flood's Rovelo Creative website in my class as an outstanding example of alternative messaging about transportation. Students in my classes consistently find the images and messaging engaging and thought-provoking. They say the material helps them recognize the connection between transportation sustainability and road safety, and to visualize our use of street space differently. Tom has turned his considerable talents to a worthy project.
Dr. John P. Lloyd, PhD
Professor, History Department
Cal Poly Pomona

Impressed is an understatement. Tom Flood and Rovelo Creative co-ideated, focused and launched a forward-thinking campaign for NOYS supporting narrative change work in addressing transportation equity and mobility justice. Without a doubt, working with Tom ensured profound flexibility, innovation, and superior execution. As a nonprofit executive, I have a multitude of lessons learned outsourcing and not receiving tangible results. Tom was the complete opposite. Let the people with the expertise exceed your expectations
Jacob Smith
Executive Director -
National Organizations for Youth Safety

Included in the book "Movement" and referenced as one of the SM accounts recommended to follow and engage with that question the language we use to talk about our streets.
Movement by Thalia Verkade & Marco te Brömmelstroet

Included in the book "Auotkratie rein in die mobilitat von morgen"
Written by Katja Diehl